May 14th LUNCH Meeting

May 14th LUNCH Meeting

Cheryl Burget is our speaker in May.


Many service-based, client driven business owners stumble when asked "What do you do?" This presentation is focused specifically on helping business owners to identify clearly who you help, the problem you solve and the outcome of working with you. It is interactive, experiential and delivered with humor.


5 Takeaways

  1. The #1 mistake that most service-based business owners don't know that are keeping their clients from working with you.
    2. The exact words to say to make your offer irresistible.
    3. A proven-system to turn prospects into paying clients.
    4. The must have mindset to consistently get clients saying yes.
    5. What is the true meaning of S.A.L.E.S. = Serving Anyone Lovingly Effectively and Successfully


Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 05-14-2019 11:30 am
Meeting End Date/Time 05-14-2019 1:30 pm
Capacity 35
Registered 31
Remaining Seats Available 4
Location Rock Bottom Restaurant

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting